Monday 9 December 2019

Dental Implants

If you are missing any teeth and you feel like bridge-work and dentures aren’t your things then dental implants are the treatment of choice for you. It would be nice to have a fully functional tooth rather than a wiggly one.

While placing dental implants, the missing tooth is replaced with a new titanium implant that is inserted and sealed to provide a tooth replacement.

Dental implants are one of the most predictable surgeries as the success rate of dental implants tends to be around 90-95% with the assurance that if needed the crown can be taken off easily. The implants are not at all painful as they are performed under anesthesia and then are given time to heal before restoring the crown.

Now if you are convinced to go for a dental implant then the next step is to find a dental clinic that does it the best. Since you would want the best one for you, consider getting it done by Altamash Dental Clinic as it is named one of the best in implant dentistry in Pakistan with the most trusted implantologists.

Altamash Dental Clinic makes you leave your fear at the door and walks you towards your confident radiant smile again with the help of the best implantologists So what are you waiting for? Head to, get your appointments booked and get ready to smile wide again.

Image result for dental implant animation

Tuesday 19 November 2019

Knock Your Fear Off With Altamash

When it comes to dental problems they say ‘no fear when the dentist is here’ but what if the fear is because of the dentist. Some trauma in childhood one experienced or the fear of pain, maybe the lack of control throws one-off or one might just really fear tools. Whatever the reason is, even though this fear isn’t that common, one can overcome it with a little help because skipping checkups is not an option.

Even though brushing and flossing daily might make you think it’s enough for a healthy dental condition but every once in a while a visit to an orthodontist is essential. The fear might stop you from these regular checkups so we need ways to defeat it. Because it is okay to fear something but it is not okay to let the fear take over you. Let’s look at 5 ways to knock the dental fear out of you:

  • Inform: have a deep discussion with your dentist about your fear and what can be done to handle it.
  • Calm down: take someone along with you who you know has a calming effect over you.
  • Distract: you can find distractions. Maybe listen to your favorite music.
  • Relax: Try relaxing exercises. Imagine yourself being somewhere peaceful rather than a dental clinic. Deep breaths also help.
  • Know: get all the necessary details about your procedure from your dentist and clear every query that corrupts your mind.

The most important role in defeating this fear is of an orthodontist, this is why Altamash Dental Clinic holds the best dental treatment’s title. Altamash Dental Clinic brings the best dentists in Karachi who are extremely concerned about patients and keep a stern check on their well-being.

Altamash Dental Clinic is your one-stop-shop for all your dental problems including tooth root canal and orthodontics in Karachi with a very caring team of an orthodontist who helps you walk over your fear to get the best dental treatment. Visit now to find out more about Altamash Dental Clinic and book an appointment immediately.

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Replace Your Teeth, Restrain Your Confidence

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Replacing the teeth can boost your confidence in your smile and your appearance overall. Getting a dental implant is a life-changing experience, but it’s understandable if someone has second thoughts. As much as dental implants help one it’s also a petrifying thought. But this hesitation may also be because one doesn’t know what goes on in the process.

Dental implanting is a procedure where a replacement for one or more missing teeth is fixed. The replacement of missing teeth is made of titanium roots that are fixed under the gum line providing a base for crowns and dentures

Altamash Dental clinic provides all the hesitant dental patients a fear-free dental implant solution using their finest equipment. Altamash dental clinic is considered to be a reliable choice in terms of dental implant solutions as the titanium dental implants they use are safe.

The dental implant procedure by Altamash dental clinic involves patients going under local anesthesia during the process and then the implants can be restored with crowns and bridges

If you want to get done with your dental implant in Karachi by the best clinic in Pakistan then the choice is easy. Head to and find out all about dental implants procedure that Altamash dental clinic has to offer.

Thursday 24 October 2019

Staining Can’t Stop From Indulging In Food Pleasure

If tea or coffee is your life’s highlight and without that, your morning isn’t bright then I have slight bad news for you because you know those two are worst teeth staining culprits. One of life’s pleasures is enjoying food and beverages that you love but that can also be a problem as it stains your teeth. I mean of course good food is a good life but whiter teeth are essential for a good life as well.

This doesn’t mean you cut down on these types of food and drinks, what you have to do is to know this and take precautions. Along with limiting them, improving your oral hygiene can be of great help.
Generally, anything of a darker shade can be a cause of stained tooth but some tend to have a greater impact than others. So here is a list of what foods can cause your teeth to stain immensely:

  • Grape or cherry juice
  • Coffee and tea
  • Berries
  • Soda
  • Soy sauce
  • Tomato sauce
  • Turmeric
  • Beetroots

Now to keep your teeth sparkling white here’s a count down on some simple measures you can take:
  • Rinse your mouth after having something that you fear can cause staining.
  • Use chewing gums that stimulate more saliva so it cleanses your mouth.
  • Eat plenty of crunchy fruit and vegetables because they act as natural stain removers.
  • Brush your teeth twice a day.
Following all these steps is pretty easy but if the staining gets out of hand all you have to do is find an amazing aesthetic dentist who’ll help you fix your bright toothy smile. Where? Easy! Head to Altamash Clinic to get the staining off your teeth.
The state of the art in-office power bleaching at Altamash Clinic will make your teeth whiter for up to 5-6 shades lighter in just 1 hour. At Altamash Clinic, they also provide you with the second option that is home bleaching system that could be taken home and the results will be evident in 2 weeks.

For long-term results, you can consider a combination program of both systems and brighten your smile. Smile wide and eat whatever you love without any fear of staining. Find out more about teeth Bleaching System by visiting

Wednesday 23 October 2019

Root For Root Canal To Defeat Tooth Decay

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A toothy smile can never go out of style. But that smile can be immensely painful when you have a toothache and history testifies that no painful smile has ever gone out of notice. So this makes us all agree on the fact that a decayed tooth is never worth a decayed reputation and also the pain makes the case worst.

To get over this decay the dental world roots for you to instantly get a root canal which is how things get better and less painful. A root canal treatment is the one where the dentists repair and save a tooth that is badly decayed or infected. The treatment also includes the replacement of a tooth’s damaged or infected pulp with a filling.

There are myths about this endodontic treatment being extremely painful and that it can cause other illnesses and much more. But then the myths are always a false belief and not the reality. This is proved at the Altamash dental clinic where the treatment starts with one of their reputed dentist giving you anesthesia so that the area is numb and you feel no pain while the process takes place.

Even though the thought of root canal seems to be scary, Altamash dental clinic makes sure the treatment itself isn’t terrifying to you. The team at Altamash dental clinic guarantees a functional tooth after the treatment.

The process of the treatment has always been assumed to be uncomfortable but assumptions have been certified false by Altamash dental clinic as their specialists handle the patients with uttermost care so that they feel comfortable and relaxed about their treatment.

The modern-day technology and dentists at Altamash clinic work hand in hand and bring to you evolved root canal treatment so that it prevents suffering and saves teeth as well. Find out more about root canal treatment and how it’s done at

Tuesday 24 September 2019

Make your dream smile a reality!

We all are very familiar with the name Mother Teresa, and one of her great sayings is “Let us always meet each other with a smile, for the smile is the beginning of love.”

Smile is a great thing because it comes directly from the heart, but will it really be that great if you have to hide it or if you are shy of smiling so widely? If you had an option of hiding your smile or improving your smile, we think you’ll choose Option B.

While the thought of braces and dentists scare a lot of minds there are a majority of adults who would actually recommend this because science has come a long way since “brace face, and metal mouth”.

Most orthodontic problems can be successfully treated using braces. Braces have been the traditional form of treatment used by orthodontists for decades, but today’s streamlined braces come in a variety of models – stainless steel, tooth-colored ceramic and even gold-colored.

Invisalign on the other hand are plastic replicas of your teeth. Wearing them puts gentle pressure on the teeth, ever-so-slightly repositioning them. Aligners are one of many technological advancements that have made orthodontic treatment less conspicuous and one of the many appliances orthodontists use to move teeth and align jaws. 

Since the jaw bones of an adult are considerably more mature than those of a teenager, you may need a longer orthodontic treatment plan; however, most patients who want to straighten their teeth may choose alternatives that can deliver efficient outcomes, many of which are much more discreet than traditional braces. 

Treatments such as Invisalign® are outstanding solutions to metal braces, and adolescents may also use lingual braces and transparent or plastic braces.

So don’t think too much and consult Altamash Dental Clinic for the best orthodontics treatment, and for more information visit our website

Monday 5 August 2019



It is said that “nothing you wear is more important than your smile.” So what if when you smile your teeth are yellow or when you smile widely your dental cavities are on a display? Would you not smile because of that fear or would you take better care to avoid such embarrassing situations? I think your answer is the latter.
Oral health is an immensely essential part of your overall health and well-being if said in a different way it is a lifelong health insurance, you give proper care and in the end, attain a healthy lifestyle. Research also links poor oral health to the cause of heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. This raises the question of how to attain good oral health? Here is how you gain good oral health.
1.      Don’t go to bed without brushing your teeth: brushing before bed gets rid of the germs and plaque that accumulate throughout the day.
2.      Brush properly and don’t neglect your tongue: move the brush in a gentle circular motion and take your time to remove plaque properly. Also, clean the tongue because plaque resides there as well and can cause bad odor.
3.      Include water and crunchy fruits and vegetables in your diet: water can help wash out some of the negative effects of sticky and acidic foods and beverages in between brushes and the crunchy vegetables and fruits help make your jaw and teeth strong.
4.      Limit sugary and acidic foods: the conversion of sugar into acid in your mouth can easily erode the enamel of your teeth and also cause cavities.
5.      Pay a visit to your dentist at least two times a year: for a minimum, one should visit their dentist twice a year for cleanings and checkups. Other than looking for cavities and removing calculus, the dentist can also spot issues and offer treatment.
For trustworthy dental care and checkups you can head towards Altamash Dental Clinic. Since the very first day Altamash Dental Clinic has been providing standard clinically proven dental care. For further information visit

Monday 20 May 2019

Rescue for Dental Emergency

Summertime is here and children along with adults are seen eating popsicles, candies and ice creams while sipping soda and drinks along with pakoras and other fried food. But has anyone imagined the harm it is causing to our oral hygiene?

Aren't we acting as notorious tooth-damaging culprits? Although they do look tempting but have to be eaten in the limit. Actually, all these popsicles, candies, ice creams, soda drinks are packets of sugar, they block into the teeth, breed bacteria which then eat away the enamel. Therefore, you have to stay alert for any emergency at any time.

Emergencies will not happen at convenient times. When is the last time we had to rush to the hospital to get stitches or any drips? Same can happen at dental clinics when accidentally a dental emergency arises, Altamash Dental clinic provides emergency information to all its patients. The dedicated team is always willing to help.

In order to discuss the tooth emergency or any other dental emergency call Altamash Dental clinic on its helplines at any time. They are committed to providing relevant help, guidance, and services to all their patients.

Altamash Dental Clinic has a history of providing exceptional oral health services to the city of Karachi. In case of an emergency, their first aim is to save the natural teeth; artificial ones are used only if there is no other option. The sooner the patient comes for treatment the chances of saving the teeth are brighter.

Dentistry has advanced and is continuously improving; all the latest methods, instruments and procedures are being used at Altamash Dental Clinic to provide the patients the best they can. All types of treatments regarding gum diseases, root canal, wisdom tooth, orthodontics, aesthetic dentistry and much more are taken care.

For more information and detail contact on 021-35874070-1 between 10 am to 7 pm. You can also visit their website at

Thursday 18 April 2019


Be The First To Comment
You are ready to upload a picture on Facebook or Instagram or WhatsApp or any other social media sites. Which shot you think is likely to make the best impression in terms of “likability”, “competence” and “impact”? According to a crowd sourcing website that helps people evaluate their headshots, its the one in which you are smiling and showing some teeth.

You probably already had an idea of the aspects of your smile you want to change. For some it's whitening treatment, for others straightening teethes, replacing old silver fillings and much more.

Whatever you need to have done, it's time to take a step forward and get the new smile you deserve.


When thinking about correcting crooked teeth the first thing to pop in our mind is “BRACES". Braces have been used in dentistry for decades and are still the gold standard for severe alignment issues. But most people don't need a comprehensive orthodontic treatment. If the thought of getting metal brackets and wires attached to the front of your teeth to pull and straighten your smile makes you cringe, then the “lingual braces” are the perfect solution for you which will no longer make you feel embarrassed by wearing the traditional metal braces.


These are designed to fit on the backside of the teeth, instead of the front. Lingual braces are virtually invisible and that's the main reason eligible patients choose them. These help much the same way as traditional braces using brackets and wires. It gives the same effective finer better teeth straightening results. Lingual braces are also custom fit to an individual patient, often providing overall comfort.

One other advantage that you may get is if you play a wind instrument then lingual braces are easier to adapt to than traditional braces. The advantage is mostly aesthetic!


Keeping your teeth clean is important and necessary no matter what type of braces you choose. Food gets stuck easily in the brackets and wires causing plaque to form and tooth decay. Brush after every meal because lingual braces are on the back of your teeth, so you need to pay special attention to brushing back there.

  • Flossing: Creating a flossing routine is important during orthodontic treatments. Interdental brushes or floss make getting in between teeth easier.
  • Brushing routine: Using fluoride toothpaste and a soft-bristled toothbrush are ideal for cleaning teeth with braces.
  • Fluoride mouthwash: After flossing and brushing rinse with a fluoride mouthwash to help prevent cavities and white spots.
  • Mouth-guards: Wear a mouth-guard if you play sports. Mouth-guards can protect your cheeks and lips from serious cuts and can prevent damage to your braces if you fall down or get hit on the face.
If you understand the challenges and are willing to make the effort required for wearing lingual braces look to the ALTAMASH DENTAL CLINIC that has been setting the standard for extraordinary care for generations. Everything they do starts with getting to know and understanding the patient's situation. With this viewpoint, they are able to offer a complete array of options to eliminate pain, preserve your natural teeth and upgrade your beautiful smile.

Their doctor's and staff offer informative and gentle care by utilizing the latest technology and advanced training all delivered with a personal touch to exceed your expectations. From the moment you walk into the clinic to the day you leave with your new, beautiful smile their actions are constantly focused on providing excellent services with flexible finances and competitive prices in a warm and welcoming environment making it simpler to get the best dental care.

Sunday 17 February 2019


Oral health influences your life in ways that are taken frequently for granted. Your mouth can reflect the overall health of your body, showing signs of infection or disease before you experience other symptoms. It is a commonly overlooked feature of health management but one that is crucial to your well being. The complications from a lack of dental care can expand far beyond gingivitis. A lack of dental care can become visually apparent over time. Gum disease and tooth decay can lead to the yellowing of the teeth, tooth damage, loss of teeth and bad breath.

These kinds of cosmetic problems can affect your confidence and make you insecure about your appearance that is why taking good care of your mouth, teeth, and gums is a worthy goal in life and of itself.

Preventative dental care requires only minor steps to avoid major problems with your teeth and gums. Brushing and flossing regularly will significantly benefit your oral health, but routinely seeing a dentist is the only sure way to identify and treat problems.
At a dental check-up, your dental hygienist will check for cavities and x-rays might be taken to certify if any Cavities are present; it also includes a check for plaque and tartar buildup. Plaque is a clear layer of bacteria that can harden and become tartar. You cannot remove tartar with brushing, which is why it’s necessary to see your dentist prevent issues like this.

To solve all of the above-mentioned problems visit the Altamash Dental Clinic which provides you with academically based clinically proven dental care and also

Dental implants


Oral hygiene


Cosmetic Dentistry


Dental Surgery


For more information visit

Friday 18 January 2019

Braces, A Convenient Choice


You Think braces are only for children or teen?
No, because age isn’t a factor.
If you have a crossbite or misaligned teeth, you have an increased chance of plaque and food buildup between your teeth that is why orthodontic care is prime for all ages, but especially for adults. Adults are often scared of their look, impaired speech, and metallic smile. They feel embarrassed about wearing supports than crooked teeth. Moreover, they are afraid that the spacing and adjustment process will hurt as well. But now they have these exalted inventions that can help straighten your smiles and lead you to a finer solution. Such as metal braces, ceramic braces, clear braces, lingual braces (fixed on the backside of the teeth) For those who are terrified by the method of metal ‘ training track’ braces, they are less perceptible choices. Ceramic braces have white ceramic braces that are glued to the front of the teeth, making them less prominent than metal braces. Usually, adults are in favor of Invisalign method as it uses a concept of clear plastic mouth guard to move teeth into place.

In order to prevent tooth decay and gum disease, orthodontic treatment is needed. It’s important to visit the dentist every six months as an adult in order to know the condition of your teeth and remove plaque and food buildup. If left unchecked it can lead you to:

· Cavities

· Inflamed and swollen gums

· Abscesses (pain and the inability to use teeth and other health problems)

That is why prevention from all these crucial issues is required. It is compulsory to visit an orthodontist if you tackle:

· Crooked teeth

· Overcrowding

· Gaps between teeth

· Crossbites

· Overbites

· Underbites

Neglecting these can make a dramatic difference in your smile. You can have a wide, pleasing smile but this will require some treatment along the way such as orthodontic treatment for a confident smile and healthy oral hygiene.

At Altamash Dental Clinic we aspire to offer you the best possible services. For the betterment of your teeth, we will inform you all your options and will make sure your treatment exceeds all expectations. For more details visit us at

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