Tuesday 24 September 2019

Make your dream smile a reality!

We all are very familiar with the name Mother Teresa, and one of her great sayings is “Let us always meet each other with a smile, for the smile is the beginning of love.”

Smile is a great thing because it comes directly from the heart, but will it really be that great if you have to hide it or if you are shy of smiling so widely? If you had an option of hiding your smile or improving your smile, we think you’ll choose Option B.

While the thought of braces and dentists scare a lot of minds there are a majority of adults who would actually recommend this because science has come a long way since “brace face, and metal mouth”.

Most orthodontic problems can be successfully treated using braces. Braces have been the traditional form of treatment used by orthodontists for decades, but today’s streamlined braces come in a variety of models – stainless steel, tooth-colored ceramic and even gold-colored.

Invisalign on the other hand are plastic replicas of your teeth. Wearing them puts gentle pressure on the teeth, ever-so-slightly repositioning them. Aligners are one of many technological advancements that have made orthodontic treatment less conspicuous and one of the many appliances orthodontists use to move teeth and align jaws. 

Since the jaw bones of an adult are considerably more mature than those of a teenager, you may need a longer orthodontic treatment plan; however, most patients who want to straighten their teeth may choose alternatives that can deliver efficient outcomes, many of which are much more discreet than traditional braces. 

Treatments such as Invisalign® are outstanding solutions to metal braces, and adolescents may also use lingual braces and transparent or plastic braces.

So don’t think too much and consult Altamash Dental Clinic for the best orthodontics treatment, and for more information visit our website https://www.altamashclinic.com/procedures-and-treatments/orthodontics


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