Tuesday 27 October 2020

Our Dentists Always Find A Way To Make You Smile Better


Gum disease and treatment

Gum disease is an unpleasant experience; for you and the people around you. It causes
discomfort and pain to the person experiencing it and bad breath that is discomforting for
the people the sufferer is interacting with.The main cause of gum disease is poor oral hygiene.
Altamash Dental Clinic is proud to state that we have a leading dental clinic in Pakistan
offering advanced gum treatment. Please call or visit our clinic in Karachi.

Gingivitis and Periodontitis

Gingivitis is the swelling of the gum. It varies in level of severity. The vital signs of gingivitis
are red swollen gums that bleed easily while brushing. It begins when food deposits mix up
with saliva and bacteria. The mixture forms dental plaque and sticks to the teeth. With time,
dental plaque turns into tartar or calculus, which is hard to remove without professional

Periodontitis is when gingivitis advances and the bone below the gum gets affected.
Periodontitis derives from the word periodontal, which means around the tooth; and refers to the
structures that surround and support teeth such as gum and bone. 

When the bone below the gum is infected, the gums start to recede away from the teeth
and forms deep gum pockets. This is called attachment loss. These pockets readily collect
plaque and bacteria. Since these pockets are very difficult to keep clean, bone loss becomes
inevitable. As periodontal disease progresses into later stages (early, moderate, and
advanced) and more bone tissue is lost, the gum pockets get deeper and the teeth may
eventually become loose and fall out.

Treatment for gum disease:

There are several treatments for gum diseases ranging between non-surgical and surgical
methods. The treatment depends upon the severity of the disease.

Non-surgical treatments:

A. Professional cleaning:

This procedure involves the cleaning of plaque from the teeth. Plaque is hard and tough to remove; hence requires professional help. Professional dental cleaning is not a cure for gum disease, rather, it is a precautionary measure. If your doctor sees any early signs of the disease, he may suggest a medicated
toothpaste or mouthwash to treat and stall the progression.

B. Scaling and root planing:

This is a deep-cleaning, nonsurgical procedure. This procedure is done under a local anesthetic, whereby plaque and tartar from above and below the gum line are scraped away (scaling) and rough spots on the tooth root are made smooth (planing). Smoothing the rough spots removes bacteria and
provides a clean surface for the gums to reattach to the teeth. This procedure is recommended if your dentist identifies tartar and calculus at and around your teeth.

Surgical treatments:

A. Flap surgery: 

In this procedure, the gums are lifted back to remove tartar. If required, the irregularities of the bones are smoothened to stop bacteria from spreading. The gum is then placed back which fits snugly around the tooth. This method helps in reducing the space between the gum and the tooth caused by
tartar. Less space means lesser grounds for bacterial growth.

B. Bone grafts: 

In this procedure fragments of your bone, synthetic bone, or donated bone are used for regeneration of the damaged bone. This gives stability to the teeth. Moreover, tissue engineering helps a lot in the speedy regeneration of damaged or lost tissue or bone.

C. Soft tissue graft: 

In this procedure, your tissues are planted at spots where the gums have gone thin or receded. Usually, tissues from the roof of the mouth are grafted to fill in the gaps of the gums.

D. Guided tissue regeneration: 

This procedure is performed when the bone supporting your teeth has been destroyed. This procedure stimulates bone and gum tissue growth. During the fap surgery, a small piece of mesh-like fabric is inserted between the bone and gum tissue. It works like a partition and keeps the gum tissue from
growing into the area where the bone should be, allowing the bone and connective
tissue to regrow and better support the teeth.

E. Bone surgery:

Smoothes shallow craters in the bone due to moderate and
advanced bone loss. Following flap surgery, the bone around the tooth is reshaped to decrease the craters. This makes it harder for bacteria to grow.

Tuesday 8 September 2020

Eat Right for a Smile that’s Bright

A healthy dental regime is important for strong teeth and gums but watching what we eat is as important a factor that could effectively prevent tooth decay and gum disease which are the most common ailments in the world.

Some people have a perfect oral hygiene routine, yet if they eat the wrong foods that are rich in sugars and acids, then they might still end up suffering from dental problems.

On the other hand, eating the right food can actually prevent cavities and periodontal disease and even give you good breath and white teeth. The experts at Altamash Dental recommend four kinds of food that will help you take better care of your teeth.

1. Calcium and phosphorous rich foods:

Calcium and phosphorous are essential building blocks of the enamel on our teeth thus consuming foods rich in them could replenish that enamel. The premium sources of calcium are definitely milk, yogurt, cheese, seafood and almonds and pumpkin seeds, fish, red meat and eggs possess a wealth of phosphorus.

2. Raw fruits and vegetables:

Raw and fresh fruits and vegetables that are hard, crunchy and high in water content can prove to be good not just for overall physical health but also for your teeth. Munching on a cucumber or carrot for instance produces more saliva, which is the best natural neutralizer of the bacteria that causes cavities. In case of hard veggies like celery, their abrasive texture gently scrubs and cleans the teeth surfaces keeping them clean.keeping them clean. 

Eat Right for a Smile that’s Bright caption

3. Food rich in Vitamin D and C:

Vitamin D can be beneficial for your teeth as it helps your body to absorb calcium better. Thus incorporating fish, egg yolks and cod liver oil in your diet will give you better oral health. More so, Vitamin C found in oranges, strawberries, broccoli, bell peppers can fortify your blood vessels and reduce inflammation, which may help your gums stay healthier . The collagen produced by Vitamin C is a key protein that helps you fight periodontal disease. 

4. Food loaded with Antioxidants:

Foods rich in antioxidants are hailed as life savers. Antioxidants are actually molecules that fight free radicals in your body—the excess of free radicals can result in several diseases including cancer. These antioxidants, found generously in apples, berries, grapes, raisins, nuts and beans, fight the bacteria that causes inflammation and periodontal disease also protecting gums and other tissues from cell damage and bacterial infection.

The team at Altamash Dental Clinic highly recommend that you incorporate the above mentioned foods in your diet along with brushing your teeth with the proper technique twice a day, flossing and going for regular dental checkups to have perfect, cavity-free teeth. Take an appointment from one of our qualified dentists at Altamash Dental Clinic in Karachi for the best dental treatment to any dental problem. We believe a beautiful smile is the first step to spreading happiness.

Tuesday 18 August 2020

Best Practices for Healthy Teeth

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Do you have perfectly straight teeth that are brighter than your future? Do you pride yourself at having a radiant smile with glistening teeth that could light up a whole town? Or are you embarrassed by your stained teeth; and the cavity holes darker than the black hole itself? Are you, like many others, are terrified of bleeding gums and sensitivity? If that is the case, you are about to crack the secret code to perfectly healthy teeth and gums.

Read this article to figure out everything that you need to know in order to protect and maintain your dental health.

Brush regularly and twice a day.

The first and foremost step in maintaining a regular dental health plan is to brush teeth every single day, without fail. The goal is to invest in fluoride toothpaste. Fluoride is the key ingredient in brewing the not-so-secret strategy of healthy enamel. As much as the mouth freshening, teeth whitening advertisements of several toothpastes appeal to us, one should always opt for a toothpaste with fluoride in it. Fluoride can revitalize enamel being dissolved by bacteria activity and revive the whiteness of the teeth. With good toothpaste, a good toothbrush is also vital in establishing a flawless oral health. Invest in a toothbrush with soft, tiny, rounded bristles that reach the insides of the mouth without difficulty and without damaging gums.

As important as brushing teeth daily is, you should make sure to not brush more than twice a day or even for too long. Some people are usually under the impression that brushing more than twice and a bit too harshly will help their teeth to whiten and make them stronger. However, the case here is quite the opposite. Brushing your teeth in the morning and at night is ideal. Brushing should also not take more than two to three minutes at most. Over brushing can totally reverse any progress you have made in improving dental health and worse, can even damage your gums and teeth, causing inflammation and speeding up the process of tooth decay as a result of enamel worn out.

Floss, floss and floss some more.

As important as brushing your teeth THE RIGHT WAY is, it doesn’t do much unless accompanied by a healthy flossing habit. Flossing is a crucial step in your everyday dental care. Skipping it might expose you to greater chances of cavity and plaque buildup. Not flossing may result in the accretion of food particles stuck between the teeth that may further lead to germs and bacteria sticking to the teeth in layers in the form of plaque. However, it is necessary that floss be done properly and patiently or else may culminate in bleeding gums and inflammation.

Mouth Wash: a miracle worker in dealing with bad breath

Are you troubled with a bad breath? Are you always concerned that people will start to run away when you sit next to them? Then what are you waiting for? Go to your nearest drugstore and get yourself a fresh smelling mouth wash and incorporate it in your dental care routine. Any good mouth wash contains acids that effectively kill bacteria and help prevent plaque and tooth decay. Voila! Prevention and cure through only one additional step; what else could one need? However, it is mandatory to follow the first two steps before mouth rinsing: brushing and flossing, without which mouth wash holds little or no importance. So make sure your teeth are as clean as possible before going in with the mouth wash for perfect results.

Water- a remedy for fundamental bodily problems

The new saying now goes: eight glasses of water a day keep the overall health problems at bay! Undoubtedly, drinking water helps in not only rejuvenating your skin, but also helps improve oral health. Water is a wonder liquid for all problems in the body. Drink water after 30 minutes of eating food in order to drain down any sticking food and lower bacteria activity.

As vital as it is to drink water, it is also precautionary to limit sugary foods that contain high sugar content because such foods contribute the most in tooth decay and cavity. Instead, eat healthy fruits and vegetables and give your gums as well as your body a robust treat.

Dental clinic: your angst is actually an antidote

As much as you might dread the idea of a person forcing open your mouth and tempering with your gums and teeth, it actually is necessary to see a dentist at least once every six months. Most people think that they are better off without seeing a dentist but really, it’s just a precaution you must take to ensure oral health. This is where Altamash dental clinic saves the day. Altamash dental clinic provides one of the best dentists in Pakistan and ensures all hygiene precautions to provide the best possible experience with dental care.

With these easy steps, and under care of Altamash dental clinic, you can make sure that you never have to hide your beautiful smile from the world, nor should you ever have to go through the excruciating pain that occurs as a consequence of bad oral health.
Subsume these mandatory steps into your daily routine and never have yourself say hello to any of the known dental problems, throughout your life!

Monday 22 June 2020

A Healthy Smile During Quarantine

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As the COVID-19 outbreak forces us to stay at home, this ends up affecting our routine. As we get acquainted to working from home and children try to accept online classes in lieu of regular schooling, it is our discipline that is compromised. Many of us fall prey to tardiness as far as our personal hygiene is concerned which may make us prone to disease and discomfort.

However, it becomes more crucial than ever before to establish a routine and pay special attention to our mental and physical health and bolster our immune system.

When we forget to brush our teeth regularly this can cause decay and tooth aches which may be unbearable. To avoid such a situation here are three basic things you can actively do every single day to preserve your dental health and keep smiling to stay positive during this challenging time.

Brushing Your Teeth After Every Meal

Brushing in the morning and before going to bed is a critical to maintaining your oral hygiene. After all, leftover bits of food accumulate and mix with the bacteria inside your mouth to form plaque which can cause decay and toothache. Tartar or dental calculus is plaque that has calcified on the teeth and builds up if you don’t brush properly. Also, you may be ultimately prone to gum diseases that may cause you to experience soreness or foul breath.

During quarantine if you have a habit of snacking or napping after eating, then try to make sure you brush your teeth after every meal and also after naps. Whenever you feel your mouth going sour, its best to refresh yourself and your mouth by brushing your teeth. This will make you feel better despite the fact that you’re cooped up at home and prevent revolting bad breath which can be distasteful for the people you live with.

Eat Healthy; Snack Less!

Being bombarded with news about the spread of COVID-19 may make you feel low and depressed. Not being able to meet your friends and go outdoors may leave you feeling dispirited. Many of us resort to comfort food to forget these troubles and may snack on sweet items, gorge on fattening foods and drink caffeinated drinks. Yet, such a diet puts the health of our teeth at risk. You may want to consider eating healthy food to wash away the toxins from your body. A diet of fresh fruits and vegetables—both of which are abundantly available in Karachi in these summer months-- will help you feel lighter. An intake of fish, nuts and drinking plenty of water and fresh juices is surely better for your physical and mental health. Also the nutrients present in fish, nuts, fruits, yogurt and cheese are good for your teeth as well.

Say No to Smoking!

Staying inside your homes comes with a great responsibility as your kids are constantly watching you and learning from the example you set. If you are addicted to a bad habit, this quarantine time may be the best time to give up a trait like smoking. Not only does smoking set a negative example for your loved ones but inhaling passive smoke can pose a risk to their health. Smoking is not only harmful for your oral health but also lowers your body’s immune function, making you susceptible to infections of gums and lungs.

The dental experts at Altamash Dental Clinic are committed to providing tips to help you maintain your dental hygiene during these hard times so you may not have to visit a doctor without reason. In case of any dental issues and for consultation, visit the Altamash Institite of Dental Medicine. Keep smiling and stay safe!

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