Monday 22 June 2020

A Healthy Smile During Quarantine

As the COVID-19 outbreak forces us to stay at home, this ends up affecting our routine. As we get acquainted to working from home and children try to accept online classes in lieu of regular schooling, it is our discipline that is compromised. Many of us fall prey to tardiness as far as our personal hygiene is concerned which may make us prone to disease and discomfort.

However, it becomes more crucial than ever before to establish a routine and pay special attention to our mental and physical health and bolster our immune system.

When we forget to brush our teeth regularly this can cause decay and tooth aches which may be unbearable. To avoid such a situation here are three basic things you can actively do every single day to preserve your dental health and keep smiling to stay positive during this challenging time.

Brushing Your Teeth After Every Meal

Brushing in the morning and before going to bed is a critical to maintaining your oral hygiene. After all, leftover bits of food accumulate and mix with the bacteria inside your mouth to form plaque which can cause decay and toothache. Tartar or dental calculus is plaque that has calcified on the teeth and builds up if you don’t brush properly. Also, you may be ultimately prone to gum diseases that may cause you to experience soreness or foul breath.

During quarantine if you have a habit of snacking or napping after eating, then try to make sure you brush your teeth after every meal and also after naps. Whenever you feel your mouth going sour, its best to refresh yourself and your mouth by brushing your teeth. This will make you feel better despite the fact that you’re cooped up at home and prevent revolting bad breath which can be distasteful for the people you live with.

Eat Healthy; Snack Less!

Being bombarded with news about the spread of COVID-19 may make you feel low and depressed. Not being able to meet your friends and go outdoors may leave you feeling dispirited. Many of us resort to comfort food to forget these troubles and may snack on sweet items, gorge on fattening foods and drink caffeinated drinks. Yet, such a diet puts the health of our teeth at risk. You may want to consider eating healthy food to wash away the toxins from your body. A diet of fresh fruits and vegetables—both of which are abundantly available in Karachi in these summer months-- will help you feel lighter. An intake of fish, nuts and drinking plenty of water and fresh juices is surely better for your physical and mental health. Also the nutrients present in fish, nuts, fruits, yogurt and cheese are good for your teeth as well.

Say No to Smoking!

Staying inside your homes comes with a great responsibility as your kids are constantly watching you and learning from the example you set. If you are addicted to a bad habit, this quarantine time may be the best time to give up a trait like smoking. Not only does smoking set a negative example for your loved ones but inhaling passive smoke can pose a risk to their health. Smoking is not only harmful for your oral health but also lowers your body’s immune function, making you susceptible to infections of gums and lungs.

The dental experts at Altamash Dental Clinic are committed to providing tips to help you maintain your dental hygiene during these hard times so you may not have to visit a doctor without reason. In case of any dental issues and for consultation, visit the Altamash Institite of Dental Medicine. Keep smiling and stay safe!


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