Friday 24 October 2014

A Usual Day with Invisalign

Early morning :
The alarm bell rings and I get up to take a shower. I'm already wearing the invisalign aligners since last night and it has been almost 7 hours. It’s time to remove the invisalign aligners and brush, floss and clean my teeth. Then I’ll wash the invisalign aligners and wear them again.

I step out of the shower and dry my hair, have a glass of milk and get ready for my morning walk.

Getting ready for work :

Take out the invisalign aligners and put them into the glass of retainer liquid for soaking and cleaning. Have a cup of tea with a bowl of cereals or a slice of bread and egg. Then take out the invisalign aligners from the retainer liquid and clean them with a soft brush and soap. It is almost around one hour that the invisalign aligners are out of the mouth and the longest time of the day when they are out! Get ready and leave for work.

At work :
Doing all work with invisalign aligners in my mouth, sipping coffee or tea, attending conferences, giving presentations and completing all paper work, they never bother me.

During break time, remove the invisalign aligners for some time may be half an hour and place it in the purse, have lunch. Then clean invisalign aligners and pop them again in the mouth. Continue working!

Back to home :
Reach home, take out invisalign aligners and soak them in plain water. Have tea and freshen up. Clean the invisalign aligners by brushing them and wear them again after 20-30 mins.

At night when the whole family is together for dinner, take out the invisalign aligners and put them in plain water before going to the table. Enjoy the meal and family time. After finishing dinner, brush and clean the teeth and pop invisalign aligners back in their place.

I have been wearing invisalign aligners for almost the whole day and night with just a few breaks and they never give me any trouble in my life, they are the best solution I have found so far. It is all due to the dentist at Altamash Dental Clinic who helped me and found this solution to my dental problems; otherwise my teeth were not worth seeing!!

Aesthetic dentistry :

Invisalign aligners have not only improved the crowding and spacing of my teeth but are an excellent addition in aesthetic dentistry. Not only did they improve the appearance of my teeth and gums but also brought my smile and confidence back.

A Usual Day with Invisalign


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