Monday 20 May 2019

Rescue for Dental Emergency

Summertime is here and children along with adults are seen eating popsicles, candies and ice creams while sipping soda and drinks along with pakoras and other fried food. But has anyone imagined the harm it is causing to our oral hygiene?

Aren't we acting as notorious tooth-damaging culprits? Although they do look tempting but have to be eaten in the limit. Actually, all these popsicles, candies, ice creams, soda drinks are packets of sugar, they block into the teeth, breed bacteria which then eat away the enamel. Therefore, you have to stay alert for any emergency at any time.

Emergencies will not happen at convenient times. When is the last time we had to rush to the hospital to get stitches or any drips? Same can happen at dental clinics when accidentally a dental emergency arises, Altamash Dental clinic provides emergency information to all its patients. The dedicated team is always willing to help.

In order to discuss the tooth emergency or any other dental emergency call Altamash Dental clinic on its helplines at any time. They are committed to providing relevant help, guidance, and services to all their patients.

Altamash Dental Clinic has a history of providing exceptional oral health services to the city of Karachi. In case of an emergency, their first aim is to save the natural teeth; artificial ones are used only if there is no other option. The sooner the patient comes for treatment the chances of saving the teeth are brighter.

Dentistry has advanced and is continuously improving; all the latest methods, instruments and procedures are being used at Altamash Dental Clinic to provide the patients the best they can. All types of treatments regarding gum diseases, root canal, wisdom tooth, orthodontics, aesthetic dentistry and much more are taken care.

For more information and detail contact on 021-35874070-1 between 10 am to 7 pm. You can also visit their website at

Aesthetic Dentistry, Altamash Dental Clinic, Dental Emergency, Emergencies, Emergency Information, Gum Diseases, Oral Hygiene, Orthodontics, root canal, Tooth Emergency, Wisdom Tooth


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