Wednesday 25 August 2021

5 Causes Of Losing Permanent Teeth Permanently

Losing a tooth in childhood was always exciting and rewarding but the thought of losing a tooth in adulthood is alarming, embarrassing and scaring. Adult teeth are permanent which means they are designed to last a lifetime so when an adult loses his permanent teeth it’s not normal.

Oral hygiene is always important otherwise permanent teeth can be lost permanently. There can be several reasons associated with the loss of teeth in adulthood. Here are 5 very common causes of tooth loss:

  1. Not using tooth brush or never brushing: Brushing teeth at least twice a day is important otherwise it can cause tooth decay. It is also necessary to use a brush and to change it every 3 months.

  2. Physical injury: Injuries can happen, whether it is sports, outdoor activities, or even an accident, tooth loss can occur. The best way to protect yourself from physical injury is to wear a proper mouth guard to prevent any kind of trauma to your mouth.

  3. Gum diseases and Cavities: One of the most acute causes of tooth loss is gum disease and cavities. Gum is the structure on which the teeth rest and if it gets infected, teeth could become loose and fall out or must be extracted in order to stop it spreading. There are a lot of foods which build cavities, especially the ones which have high level of carbohydrates. Gum diseases and Cavities can be prevented by refraining from having huge quantities of sweet and sticky food and by taking good care of oral hygiene and having healthy food.

  4. Other diseases and risk factors: Some diseases can cause tooth loss for example, hypertension, diabetes, and arthritis. Certain behavior and habits like smoking, chewing tobacco, and even poor diet and nutrition can impact the health of your teeth and gums and hence can lead to the loss of teeth.

  5. Never getting professional dental care: It is suggested to visit your dentist once in every 6 months which means atleast twice a year. The routine visits to your dental care professional can help you foresee the damages and make it easier for you to avoid huge problems like teeth loss.

Teeth are very important and play a huge role in beautifying the facial expressions hence they have to be taken care of at all times. Taking good care of your oral health is vital for your teeth and gums and your overall health because when we practice good preventive dental care, the likelihood of having a longer life of our teeth increase.

If you notice a loose tooth or even slight pain in your teeth, immediately head to Altamash Dental Clinic. The dentists at Altamash Dental Clinic have answers for your dental problems and how it should be treated. 

The team of professional dentists at Altamash Dental Clinic can restore your smile with dental bridge or dental implant in case of tooth loss, but it is wise to act when the first sign of pain or infection arises before the problem gets out of control. Head to Contact Us for more information.
Causes Of Losing Permanent Teeth, gum disease, Oral Hygiene


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