Monday 28 February 2022


 In accordance with several researches, an undeviating link has been made between gum disease and oral cancer. Periodontal disease can also give rise to an increased plaque on the surface of the teeth as well as in the arteries in the body. Gum disease is not only the root of oral cancer but also numerous other severe diseases such as, breast cancers, head cancers, neck cancer and pancreatic cancers. 


Periodontal disease is also commonly known as gum disease. When the remaining food debris is not cleaned sufficiently from the surface of the teeth, it creates an accumulation of harmful bacteria which secretes acid which can be extremely harmful for your body. As a consequence plaque is built-up on the food debris which slowly and gradually spreads in nooks and crannies of your teeth. If you don't brush or floss your teeth in a cromulent manner, the accumulated plaque can lead to severe inflammation and infection in your gums.


  • Gums feel tender when touched

  • Gums bleed when brushed

  • Halitosis (bad mouth odour) 

  • Pus develops between your teeth and gums

  • Loosening of teeth occurs

  • Pain while chewing

  • Unwanted spacing between your teeth

  • Receding gum lines

  • Teeth look longer than usual

  • Changes in the way your teeth fita when you bite.


Large bacterial colonies, also called as oral biofilm, are formed on the surface of the teeth. These harmful bacteria produce lethal pathogens that inflames and infects the gums. It is scientifically proven that these pathogenic bacteria produce toxins which penetrate into the immune system which triggers the generation of CRP or c-reactive proteins. If the protein levels intensifies in the blood, it can give rise to low grade chronic inflammation which can generally affect your overall health. 

If the gum disease is neglected and left untreated for a long span of time, the body will slowly but surely adjust to this heightened state of sensitivity. This will generally weaken your immune system which will then be less responsive to attack from other pathogens. This mutilation of the immune system will result in the development of oral cancer. A great many studies show that gum disease is one of the most prominent indicators of high risk in developing oral cancer, in patients who smoke and drink alcohol as well as in those who don't drink or smoke. 

Another momentous feature that specifies the high probability for developing oral cancer is loss of teeth. After making adequate adjustments for smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol, several studies have proved that people who have lost more than 20 teeth are at higher risk of developing oral cancer than  that of those who have lost none. 


  1. Gum cancer

  2. Lip cancer

  3. Tongue cancer

GUM CANCER:- it is a type of head and neck cancer. It begins when the cells of the upper and lower jaw uncontrollably grow and form lesions and tumours, these are often confused with gingivitis. 

LIP CANCER:- it causes the lips to grow in a disorderly way. It is also a type of head and neck cancer. Lip cancer is the most common mouth cancer of them all.

TONGUE CANCER:- a type of head and neck cancer whose symptoms include a patch, spot or lump on the tongue which does not go away.

The best way to prevent further damage being done in your mouth is to have routine checkups with the dentists at ALTAMASH DENTAL CLINIC who are specifically trained to detect possible changes in the gum or cancers in their very early stages. Here at  ALTAMASH CLINIC we have the most professional and patient doctors who are everything that a patient needs while in pain. 

Being diligent with your preventative care can make a world of difference in your life. At ALTAMASH DENTAL CLINIC we can help monitor your oral health in conjunction with your dentist and can help to catch any further changes that may need evaluation. If you're in need of an evaluation, contact ALTAMASH CLINIC at your earliest and we will be more than delighted to get you scheduled for a comprehensive and detailed exam and oral cancer screening. 

To know more about the timings of the dentists, contact now.


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