Tuesday 19 July 2022

Foods And Drinks That Whiten Teeth And Improve Dental Hygiene

 Who doesn't love a good smile? We all do and that beautiful smile comes from healthy teeth. We often lack in taking care of our oral health compared to our physical health. Oral health is not just getting expensive toothpastes and expensive teeth whitening treatments but to take care of what you are eating. Your diet constitutes a lot towards your gums and teeth health therefore; in this blog i will tell you about food and drinks that you can add in your diet and the best place for getting teeth whitening treatment in pakistan.

You are what you eat, and thus, whatever you add in your diet will contribute towards your oral health. Some people consider oral treatments for a bright smile and healthy looking teeth but if not taken good care of, it will be a waste too after some time. Long term relying on treatments can also be a bit expensive so, here are some foods and drinks that you can rely on to take good care of your oral health and longevity of oral treatments results as well.

Teeth Whitening Treatment in Pakistan


Crunchy vegetables like spinach,carrots and broccoli can help in improving oral health. They act as a natural scrub that scrubs away all the germs and bacteria on your teeth and are also good for your health. These can save you from problems like germs, bacteria and erosion of enamel that occurs because of bacteria and acids.


What if you were able to consume the most effective ingredient in your toothpaste? Well, malic acid in strawberries can help prevent germs and sticky layer on your teeth. This ingredient is mostly used in toothpastes because of its cleaning and germs removing properties. You can consume strawberries in any form to take better care of your oral health.


Apples are also known to be good for oral health as they are crunchy thus they too can scrub away bacteria and germs while you are munching on it so, apples can not only keep the doctors away but you might be able to keep the dentists away as well.


Water is the most natural drink of all and our bodies are also made up of 60% water. Unlike other drinks like cold drinks and soda water does not increase the pH of your mouth and regulates it. Fluoride water can be used as a beneficial drink for your oral health. Fluoride is good for your teeth thus you can take fluoride water for better care of your oral health.

Green tea and black tea:

Tea is not only used in dieting but green tea and black tea can also help in improving oral health. Tea is sugar free and thus does not cause accumulation of sugar layer on teeth. It also has properties which can lower the acidity of your mouth and can help in keeping your teeth clear and safe from bacteria and sticky layer.


Cheese is another important food that can be used for taking care of oral health. If you are a cheese lover, you can definitely benefit your oral health. Cheese contains a lot of calcium which is very good for bones and oral health. It also contains casein which helps in repairing the damaged layer of teeth. Make sure to use low fat cheese in order to avoid any fats related health problems.

These are all the foods that can be used for the betterment of oral health at home. These combined with the oral treatments can result in the best maintained oral health and a beautiful healthy smile. If you are looking forward to getting some oral treatments then Altamash dental clinic gives the best teeth whitening treatment in pakistan. You can rely on their services and professionalism as they have the top dentists working with them. They have a number of satisfied customers thus, you can trust them with all types of oral treatments.


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