Monday 24 October 2022

Straight Teeth – It’s Not Just About A Pretty Smile: The Medical Benefits of Braces

 Are you someone who puts your hand to your mouth while laughing or giggling in a quest to cover your ugly, misaligned teeth? You are not alone. 

Misaligned teeth are not an uncommon problem. It is quite a common and pretty much sought-after dental treatment. 

If you want to access the health of any person, you can do it by looking at the condition of that person’s teeth and gums. According to the American Association of Orthodontists, orthodontic treatment help in the development of beautiful and healthy smiles by ensuring that teeth function properly. With a perfect set of teeth, you can bite, chew, and digest food properly. Properly aligned and healthy teeth allow you to talk more clearly too. Misaligned teeth are not only disgusting to look at, but they contribute to improper cleaning, which accelerates wear and tear of the tooth enamel. This means your money goes into your dentist’s pocket, and your time goes to waste.

Braces are more than a beautiful smile and appearance. In this piece, we will discuss all of those hidden benefits. 

Before continuing with the importance and benefits of braces, it is worth mentioning here that orthodontic therapy is not a quick fix. It is biologically a complicated and time taking process. When teeth are forcefully repositioned because of braces, it affects the jaw bones, facial bones, and soft tissues. 

The foremost thing your dentist will conduct for you is a comprehensive examination of your mouth and teeth. The process may include taking X-Rays, pictures, and models of your teeth and their structure. 

Do you know that braces can increase your confidence?

Do you know what an important part physical appearance plays when it comes to self-confidence? Earlier we mentioned about covering one’s mouth while laughing, this is one of the signs of low confidence. 

Since communication is the key to public interaction, your oral health matters a lot when it comes to self-confidence. A beautiful smile with a set of pearl-like teeth can boost self-confidence and mental health.

Braces are a way to get a set of perfect teeth, that will help you face the public with confidence. 

Moreover, braces can help you in straightening your teeth and can also help you achieve a more harmonious facial balance. With braces, it’s simple to change the way you look. Smile makeovers are life savers for many people who are conscious or embarrassed by how they look when they smile.

To correct any sort of dental problem, you will need to wear braces for a minimum of 18 months. There is a completely separate line of adult braces. You can choose to have metal, Invisalign, transparent, or self-litigating braces. Gone are the days when braces would look awkward. Advancement in the field of orthodontics has brought around pleasant-looking and comfortable braces. 

You have to set a budget and choose the option that best suits your lifestyle needs.

Braces can make you speak clearly:

Do you know that your teeth play a vital role in the way you speak? Imagine how old people speak unclearly, that is because their teeth have fallen out. Thank God, babies do not speak until they start getting their first set of teeth. 

Now think how frustrating it may get for people who have teeth that are out of line, tilted too forward, or set up too backward. This misalignment can hinder the way they pronounce several sounds and words. The same happens with people who have underbites or overbites. 

Braces help in aligning and relocating teeth enabling one to speak with clarity and confidence.

Braces can prevent bone erosion:

Misaligned teeth are a major cause of jaw bone erosion. When your teeth are misaligned, it makes it difficult to brush and clean them properly. This invites bacterial growth and plaque deposits. 

Our teeth have roots that are deeply set inside our gums reaching to our jaw bones. When our teeth and gums are affected by bacteria, it eventually penetrates and makes its way to the jaw bone. In the long run, it causes bone erosion.

Misaligned teeth are a major reason for bone erosion. Because of misaligned teeth, you put extra and undue pressure on teeth and gums. This may enable bacteria to lurk and percolate into the bones, causing them severe damage.

Braces can correct the misalignment of teeth and ensure bacteria and plaque get no places to hide.

Braces can help in improved digestive health:

When a person’s teeth are misaligned, their ability to bite, chew, and digest food is greatly affected. With improper or misaligned teeth, it becomes very difficult to bite and chew, and large pieces of food are swallowed. This creates digestive problems as the stomach and intestines are then burdened with overwork. 

Dentists make a proper plan of how to fix misaligned teeth ins a way that would eradicate all these problems. 

With braces, a person’s grin, bite, and chewing ability are fixed and this results in improved gut health.


Braces are not only about having a model-like smile. They are important for physical and mental health too. 

However, whenever you think of you or your family undergoing a dental procedure, make sure to consult a reliable and well-known dentist. Things with an unprofessional or under-trained orthodontist can go south and can cause irreparable loss. Better safe than sorry.

Take our word and visit Altamash dental clinic. You will be in safe hands as they are the best dental service providers in Karachi.


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